Investing News Network’s Expert Tips Mining Investors Need to Follow
1. Educate yourself
tip might seem obvious, but it’s one that mining veteran Tookie
Angus made sure to mention. In particular, Angus, who has been
involved in mining deals worth billions over the last decade,
highlighted the value of attending events like Prospectors
& Developers Association of Canada Convention (PDAC).
going to learn things by being here. Unless you’re educated —
you’ve got to understand what’s going on in this game, and it
takes awhile to learn,” he
Angus also pointed to the value of having connections in the
industry, noting that most of the deals he gets involved in are very
early stage.
2. Choose stocks wisely
many experts are happy to share specific stock picks, most agree that
investors should have an understanding of how to do their own
research on companies. Here are a few things the experts we spoke
with suggested looking at:
Look for good management — “The biggest challenge in the industry right now is people,” said Lawrence Roulston of WestBay Capital Advisors. When he looks at stocks he wants to see capable, experienced management teams.
Buy quality and look for “when” stories — Brian Leni of Junior Stock Review suggested investors position themselves well in quality companies, adding that it’s best to look for “when” (not “if”) stories.
Find the difference between price and value — “I want to put a value on every company that I want to invest in, and I want to see if I can get it at a price that is substantially lower than the value that I can perceive in that stock,” said analyst Jayant Bhandari.
Think long term — Consider taking a wider-reaching view by investing in companies focused on generative or early stage exploration, said Mark Ferguson of S&P Global Market Intelligence. Similarly, CRU Group’s Alex Laugharne said investors should avoid “piling into” hot markets and expecting immediate returns.
Remember to look for flaws — Don’t just look for positive features in companies, commented Brent Cook of Exploration Insights. “Nine times out of there will be a fatal flaw that shows up.”
3. Diversify your portfolio
investors jump into the resource sector in search of 10 baggers —
stocks with the potential to appreciate by 10 times their
initial purchase price. While that’s an admirable pursuit, silver
David Morgan believes physical metal should not be forgotten.
believed all along that unless you own metal you really don’t have
a metal portfolio,” he
adding, “having said that, the most leverage is in the mining
sector, and the miners are undervalued relative to the metal itself.
So if you already have exposure to the physical, the best bang for
the buck is no doubt in well-chosen, well-selected mining companies.”
4. Don’t fall for narrative
Rule of Sprott US Holdings is a well-known figure in the mining
space, but his advice for investors was simple: “[use] common
sense. Don’t fall for stories, don’t fall for narrative,”
said at PDAC.
Bhandari, he also mentioned price and value. “Remember that the
price of a stock is only important if you have an opinion as to its
value. The price is a floating abstraction. It’s the delta between
price and value that matters.”
5. Know your risk tolerance
it’s good to turn to experts for advice on investing, CRU Group’s
Paul Robinson emphasized that investors also need to be self aware.
an investor, you’ve got to know your own risk appetite, and you’ve
got to know your own risk tolerance,” he
adding, “it’s not for me to tell an investor which company is
right for them.” That said, he did note that CRU Group currently
favors base materials and steel over bulk commodities, and likes
high-quality, lower-environmental impact commodities over those that
are more polluting.
6. Don’t follow the herd
tempting — and often easy — to go with the flow when investing,
but investors who take that approach are unlikely to enjoy major
success. Speaking at PDAC, Benj Gallander of Contra the Heard
Investment Letter explained that he’s
a contrarian.
means he buys into companies that have been “badly beaten up.” He
added, “we like what other people generally don’t, we hope that
they’ll hop on board, push up the stock price and when the party is
in elation, we like to get out.” Gallander also advised investors
to prioritize paying down their debts.
7. And don’t forget that the market is cyclical
are often told that the resource industry is cyclical — in other
words, it ebbs and flows, with boom and bust periods occurring
periodically. At PDAC, Chris Berry of House Mountain Partners and the
Disruptive Discoveries Journal told investors not to forget that the
idea still applies to popular metals.
about the rapidly growing interest in battery metals
like lithium
noted that
“we’re in the middle of [an] incredible structural shift around
mobility and around energy storage.” Nevertheless, he said, “I
still think that cobalt, lithium prices will go up, prices will fall.
Those are still cyclical metals despite the fact that you’re seeing
this really incredible structural change.”